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22 System is a suite of electrical wall accessories that integrate with any architectural finish. It’s a minimal alternative to traditional systems, designed by Bocci. Made in Canada since 2009.
22 System mounting plates and devices work with conventional junction boxes and wiring systems. Cylindrical devices lock securely into mounting plates. The 22 System Tool is required for installation or removal. Exploded view below:
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Drywall installation
22 System installs flush in millwork, glass, stone, tile, concrete, or drywall. There are no visible cover plates or fasteners.
Devices come in white, black, almond, and gray.
Mounting plates can be arranged vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. For compositional flexibility, 22 System can be rotated in 90-degree steps. Suitable for residential and commercial, renovation and new construction.
Alternate installation
Drywall installation
22 System’s patented design has been honored by Red Dot, D&AD, the German Design Council, and the Industrial Designer Society of America.